The event on the theme of the life and work of Mirzo Babur and his examples for young people organized by the staff of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and the deputy of the dean of the Faculty of Medical...
Category: News
At the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of TMA, the departmental stage of the meeting of the student scientific society was held.
The works submitted for consideration by the jury, chaired by student council member Abdurakhmon Bakhromov and head of the department Yakubov A.V., were listened to and evaluated. The places were distributed as follows: 1st place in the nomination “Student speaker”...
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, the 1st stage (cathedral) of the selection round of the SSS was held
22.02. 2021 at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, the 1st stage (cathedral) of the selection round of the SSS was held. The meeting was attended by employees of the department and students of the 5th year of medical and medical-pedagogical...
Educational and methodical manual
Sh. A. Saidova, A.V. Yakubov, D. B. Pulatova, N. I. Pulatova. “Clinical and pharmacological approach to the rational use of medicines for the treatment of coronary heart disease”. Educational and methodical manual. 2021. J. Musaeva, A.V. Yakubov, P. S. Zufarov,...
Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur-a great statesman
Employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and students of 510, 511 groups of the Faculty of Medicine on 13.02.2021, after classes at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, held events dedicated to "Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur-a great statesman". At the event,...
Alisher Navoi-a great figure
Employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and students of 510, 511 groups of the Faculty of Medicine 09.02.2021 after classes at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology held events dedicated to "Alisher Navoi-a great figure". The event was opened by...
January 14-Defender of the Motherland Day
Employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and students of the 505 group of the Faculty of Medicine on 14.01.2021, after classes at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, held events dedicated to "January 14-Defender of the Motherland Day". The event...
December 1 – International AIDS Day
Employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and students of the 507, 508 groups of the Faculty of Medicine on November 27, 2020, after lessons at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, held events dedicated to "December 1 - International AIDS...
Online webinar
In order to implement the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan no. -2909 dated April 20, 2017 "on measures for further development of the higher education system", the Department of clinical pharmacology of the Tashkent Medical Academy...