On October 28, 2024, a meeting of the Central Asian Association of Pharmacologists and Clinical Pharmacologists was held.F. L. Azizova, vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations of the Tashkent Medical Academy, opened the scientific-practical conference. Head of the Department of...
Category: News
Work with youth. Seminar on the topic “Features of the use of medicines in pregnant women, lactating women and children.”
On April 4, 2024, employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology met with students of student dormitory No. 5. Aripdjanova Shakhlo Sardarovna made a report on the topic “Features of the use of medicines in pregnant women, lactating women and...
The II International Student Olympiad
On April 1, 2024, the II International Student Olympiad: "Clinical Pharmacology" was held at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Tashkent Medical Academy. The Olympiad was opened with a welcoming speech by the head of the department, Doctor of...
18.12.2023 y. 8.00 Medical-pedagogical faculty Open practical training will be held to groups of 502 C. Topic: "Clinical pharmacology of medicines affecting bronches perishation": Department of Clinical Pharmacology is SMEPERTY Musaeva Lola Juraevna. Address: Karachi-½, 20th policemark, 4th floor.
On November 18, 2023, at 8:00 a.m., an open lecture on "Clinical pharmacology" will be held for students of the international faculty of group 502-503 on the following topic: "General issues of clinical pharmacology. Content and objectives of the course...
Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi yana bir xalqaro anjumanni o‘tkazdi.
Klinik farmakologiya kafedrasi tashabbusi bilan 27-aprel kuni Rossiya Federatsiyasi, Belarusiya, Qozog'iston va Tojikiston Respublikalarining ilg'or olimlari va Klinik tadqiqotlar menwgmentini amalga oshiruvchi DATA MENEJMENT 365 xalqaro tashkiloti hamkorligida "KLINIK FARMAKOLOGIYA: ZAMONAVIY FARMAKOTERAPIYA MUAMMOLARI" mavzusi muhokamalar maydonida bo‘ldi. ✨Anjumanda ilg'or xorijiy...
Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Klinik farmakologiya kafedrasi tomonidan Kursk davlat tibbiyot universiteti va Gomel Davlat tibbiyot universiteti bilan hamkorlikda tashkillashtirilgan "Klinik farmakologiya" Xalqaro talabalar fan olimpiadayasiga taklif etamiz! В Ташкентской медицинской академии на кафедре клинической фармакологии совместно с Курским государственным медицинским...
“October 1 is the Day of the teacher and mentor” at the 245 school of the Uchtepa district
Employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, and students of the 511th group of the 1st medical faculty on 29.09.2022 at school No. 245 of the Uchtepa district held events dedicated to “October 1 — Teacher and Mentor Day". This...
Independence lesson
The new 2022-2023 academic year began with the “Lesson of Independence”. The lecture was delivered by the head of the department, Professor Yakubov A.V. and Professor Zufarov P.S. It was attended by students of groups 501 and 502 of the...
“October 1 — Teacher and Mentor Day”
Employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and students of 511, 512 groups of the 1st medical faculty on 30.09.2022, after lessons at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, held events dedicated to “October 1 — Teacher and Mentor Day". Teacher's...