04.26.2019, the employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, in the framework of the “Book challeng” action, with the purpose of enticing the young generation in reading books, visited 111 schools in the Olmazar region and donated books of various...
Category: News
The scientific conference was held
Employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and participants of SSS took an active part in the meeting of the student scientific society, held on March 26. At the meeting 6 works were presented: Allamova Shakhlo, a student of 503...
Spiritual work
In order to develop domestic tourism according to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev number 3151 from 07.02.2018, the staff of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology on April 18, 2019 visited the historic city...
Healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health
On November 10, 2018, the staff of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology held a seminar in secondary school No 20 of Yangiyul District on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health.”
Clinical Pharmacology Drugs Affecting Bronchial Conduction
The senior lecturer of the Department "Clinical Pharmacology" on January 24, 2019, students of 301 groups conducted an open lesson on the topic: "Clinical Pharmacology Drugs Affecting Bronchial Conduction."
Aspects of modern treatment of exocrine insufficiency of pancreatic gland and non-alcohol fatty liver disease
On the 18-th of December, 2018 at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of Tashkent Medical Academy there carried out a master class on «Aspects of modern treatment of exocrine insufficiency of pancreatic gland and non-alcohol fatty liver disease» with the...
Participating in a seminar on a project «Medicine and IKT» passing in town Seoul (Sonth Korea) from 15.04.2018 to 22.04.2018
On the basis of order of TMA ¹ to 119-to from April, 19, 2018 and on invitation of KOREA DIGITAL HOSPITAL EXPORT AGENCY within the framework of project «Medicine and IKT» associate professor of department of clinical pharmacology of Akbarova...
Intensive development of domestic tourism
With the aim of developing domestic tourism in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev № 3151 from 07.02.2018 the staff of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology visited the Bukhara region on April...
Students’ scientific community
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, headed by the head. Chair A.V. Yakubov took an active part in the meeting of the SSS. 5 reports were presented: Nuritdinov H. (605 gr. Treatment fac.) – the scientific supervisor prof. Zufarov P.S.; Norkulova L....
Navruz-a symbol of kindness, purity and new beginnings
19.03.2018 at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology the event "Navruz-a symbol of kindness, purity and new beginnings" was held, dedicated to the celebration of Navruz. The event was attended by the head of the department, Professor A.V. Yakubov, members of...