On the basis of order of TMA ¹ to 119-to from April, 19, 2018 and on invitation of KOREA DIGITAL HOSPITAL EXPORT AGENCY within the framework of project «Medicine and IKT» associate professor of department of clinical pharmacology of Akbarova D.S. in composition delegation of TMA jointly with delegation from Republic Kazakhstan and Respubliki Kyrgystan took part in the program KOHEA “Medical & ICT converget Central Asia Export Consortium”. Within the framework of project there were meetings with director KOHEA to Tae Khyung Kim and joint conference on a subject the «Digital hospital» and «Digital technologies in a health protection», meeting with a manager on marketing and sale of digital medical equipment of «Radian» David Choy. Тhere was also meeting with the president of company JUNGLIM Architecture Co., ltd on planning and building of medical establishments of Khokyung of Che, acquaintance experience on planning and building of hospitals in Korea, meeting with the manager of company «Future Robot» Kim Bongo of Kvan and joint seminar of companies on development and production of robototekhniki of «Future Robot» and «R&d Proect», acquaintance with a digital medical apparatus and medical IKT system. Participating is in a conference, conducted in Anam hospital of Korean University. During a conference were listened: lecture of professor Sang-Kheon to Lee «Anam hospital of Korean University. Medicine of the future», lecture of professor Chang of Yungas Park «Design of clinical researches of new medications», presentation of d.m.n. manager by the department of hygiene of feed, children and teenagers of TMA Ermatov N.Zh. the «Tashkent medical academy». Within the framework of project also there was an acquaintance with work of oncologic and kardiovaskulyarnogo separations of hospital, with the informative system of hospital, by the digital system of exchange by information about a patient.